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One of the hardest things to do is take a break without feeling guilty and selfish; our worse, feeling like a failure because everything in your to do list didn’t get done. Here’s a new flash: there will always be more to do! One of your biggest challenges will be learning the difference between setting high standards for yourself and setting unrealistic, impossible ones.

We claw our way to success then discover we don’t like the pressure that go with it. So what should we do? Learn to walk away! Jesus did. The Apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to Him all they had done then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to it, he said to them, come with me by yourselves to a quite place and get some rest. So they went away by themselves in a boat to a solitary place, (Mark 6:30-32 NIV). Jesus understood that if you don’t take a break, you’ll break! So: a. make a list of the things that only you can do, then delegate the rest or let them go; b. learn to take small steps and celebrate small accomplishment for that’s what life is made of; c. don’t allow to stuff that’s still undone, to undo you. D. strive for balance; don’t become addicted to what addicted to what you enjoy; e. don’t allow overachievers to put you into overdrive. You’re in for the long haul. You win when you space yourself; f. take time for the people who matter, otherwise you’ll loose them. Busyness is a destroyer of relationships. All the success in the world won’t compensate for the joy and treasure of your family and your loved ones!

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Jer 22-24, Luke 4:31-44, Ps 102;12-17, Pr 15:3

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